
The United Republic of Tanzania

Centre for Agricultural Mechanization and Rural Technology


Applied Research & Development

The objective is to undertake applied research and development aimed at generating technologies that respond to the emerging and future needs of the society, which clearly show the demand for various types of agro-technologies, as well as rural technologies. The demand for mechanical planters, weeders, harvesters, pre-harvest and post-harvest processing technologies of various crops is on increase with increase of mechanization of primary and secondary tillage.

The strategic actions for applied research and development include, but not limited to:

  • Undertake demand driven applied research and development on agricultural machinery and rural technologies that meets the expectations of the people.
  • Adapt designs of agricultural machinery and rural technologies that address the needs of the people.
  • Undertake collaborative research and education with R&D institutes within and outside Tanzania through MoUs, research proposals, etc;
  • Undertake needs assessment studies on annual basis to provide future direction for technology research and development.