Inspection and Testing

The objective is to formalize, implement, and enforce Testing Regulations on agricultural machinery and rural technologies. Testing of imported and/or local manufactured agricultural machinery and rural technologies covers laboratory testing and field testing aimed at determining the performance, durability and suitability to local conditions of use and maintenance.
From its establishment in 1982 to 2021, CAMARTEC has tested more than 205 agricultural machinery and rural technologies. The Act that established the Centre states that, one of the functions of the Centre is “to perform tests of all types of machinery and equipment intended for use in agricultural and rural development in the United Republic, and to publish the results of each test. Over the past years, the variety and the number of machines being tested has been declining, which called for a need of formalization and enforcement of inspection and testing. Consequently, the Regulations for mandatory testing of agricultural machinery and rural technologies were established and put in place since February 2018.
The strategic actions for inspection and testing include, but not limited to:
- Develop quality standards and testing codes in collaboration with Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS);
- Enforce inspection and Testing Regulations of agricultural machinery and rural technology;
- Establish inspections and testing stations at strategic locations;
- Support testing and inspection of local manufacturers.